Welcome to Lyon in December.
The perfect place and the ideal time to be.
lf you don’t believe me just check my not that little list of All The Top Things to Do and Events to take part in Lyon in DECEMBER. If you think there is something missing please add below. Thank you very much!
Ciboulette. Opera by Reynaldo Hahn. It is a unique work, a tribute to all the lyrical genres of the past. When: 6.12.2017 at 19.00; Where: Médiathèque de Vaise, Place Valmy, 69009 Lyon; How Much: FREE.
Exhibition of Fred Deux. The Museum of Fine Arts pays tribute to Fred DEUX (1924-2015) by dedicating the greatest retrospective ever devoted to his work. Following two recent donations, his retrospective exhibition presents about 180 of his drawings. Where: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, 20 place des Terreaux Palais Saint-Pierre, 69001 Lyon; When: 20.09.2017 – 08.01. 2018; How Much: 12€ /7€ /Gratuit.
Lyon sur Le Divan Expo. A very original exhibition which with a touch of humor and seriousness, shows how Lyon city has been built. You can find more about the current town planning, how did it look in the past and learn the plans for the future. Where: Musée Gadagne, 1 place du petit Collège 69005 Lyon; When: 17.11.2017 to 17.06.2018; How Much: 8€.
Automne Des Gones.The Municipal Library of Lyon takes children on the tracks of laughter and humor by organizing workshops, shows, and exhibitions for both kids and parents. There are 75 appointments and 38 animations planned! A very interesting program is here. When: 7.10.2017 – 23.12.2017, Where: Mainly at the Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon, 30 boulevard Vivier-Merle, 69431 Lyon Cedex 03 but precisely on other places here; How Much: FREE.
Histoires brodées de Andrialavidrazana & Dansou. This exhibition presents the collective identities, individual constructions, stereotypes and imagination of Africa. In the series of sculptures, photographies, based on geographical maps, Malala Andrialavidrazana examines the evolution of worldviews from pre-colonial times. When: 20.09.2017 – 10.12.2017; Where: Musée Africain, 150 Cours Gambetta, 69007 Lyon, How Much:8-2€.
Plantes a Perfume. Guided tour to discover the world’s plants from another angle and understand the role of perfumes in the plants. When: 20/12/2017 at 14h00, Where: Parc de la Tête d’Or (in front of the large greenhouses) Lyon 6; Reserve by phone: .78; How Much: 6€.
Painting Exhibition at Jean-Couty Museum. It presents 60 years of painting, through a collection of 200 works (paintings, pastels, drawings and archival documents). Admire all the periods, the techniques used and the subjects tackled by the artist, famous painter Lyonnais. When: Every day except Mondays and Tuesdays from 11 am to 6 pm, Where: M1 place Henri Barbusse; Saint-Rambert, l’Île Barbe; 69009 Lyon; How Much: 6 €.
BROCANTE Le Petit Souk. Brocante Le Petit Souk is organized by the Solidarité Afrique in order to promote local solidarity by selling at low prices. When: Every Tuesday, Wednesday from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:30; Where: The Little Souk 13 bis rue Girié Lyon 3rd Arrondissement; How Much: FREE.
Exhibition “La vie mode d’emploi“. The exhibition unravels the complex history of human mobility of the 20th century. When: until 16.12.2017; Where: Tony Garnier Urban Museum, 4 rue des Serpollières Lyon 8th Arrondissement. How Much:
Exposition “Les Jours Sans”. It presents the everyday life of French people during the war and tackles different issues for example – how to deal with the dramas and tragedies of war, what were the survival strategies? What were the behaviors? What were the real and symbolic effects of food deprivation at the level of a society? When: until 28 January 2018; Where: Center for the History of Resistance and Deportation: 14 avenue Berthelot, Lyon 7e Arrondissement; How Much: 6 €.
The opening of the Grand Hotel Dieu.The opening of the Grand Hotel Dieu. Lyon’s emblematic Grand Hôtel-Dieu will reopen its doors, courtyards, and gardens to the public. When: 12.2017; Where: 1 Place de l’Hôpital, 69002 Lyon; How Much: FREE.
Salon de l’Asie. One of the most popular expos in Lyon. This year the honored guest is China! Check what other guests are coming here, check for all the animations which are planned here. Where: Eurexpo here; When; 2-3.12.2017; How Much: 12- 15 Euros (for 2 salons!) Book here.
Japan Touch. Happening alongside the Salon de l’Asie. This year it is focused on Indie and Japan. Where: Eurexpo here; When; 2-3.12.2017; How Much: 12- 15 Euros (for 2 salons!). Book here.
Journees gourmandes in Lyon. The association of producers from France and even overseas will gather together to make you discover a thousand and one gourmet flavors. This year they have chosen “Ile Barbe Lyon Saint-Rambert” for the event. You can get your invitation free here. When: 15 – 16.12.2017; Where: Ile Barbe Lyon Saint-Rambert; How Much: FREE.
Salon gastronomique de Lyon. The Progrès Group in close collaboration with the Metropole of Lyon is organizing the 1st Gastronomic Show in Lyon. The aim is to create an event of national and international importance. Starting from 2019 it will be hosted in the Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie. When: 1-3.12.2017; Where: Eurexpo, Boulevard de l’Europe, 69680 Chassieu; How Much: 5 Euros.
Champion du monde Rock Acrobatique. JFDANSE and MOVE DANCE present for the 1st time in LYON the world championship of ROCK ACROBATIC. There are going to be about 150 couples, from 25 nations, 5 continents. When: 2.12.2017; Where: Lyon Sports Hall (Lyon 69007); How Much: From 22 to 41 Euros. Buy tickets here.
A l’ecole des scribes. Through the museum’s collection of antiquities, observe the signs and writing tools of ancient Egypt. Play the scribes and learn the hieroglyphs. Where: Museum of Fine Arts, Place des Terreaux 69001 Lyon. When: 17.12.2017 at 10:30, 11.03.2018 at 10:30. How Much: 3 € (for guided tour + entrance to the museum). Book here: 04 72 10 17 40 only 20 places!
Artisanat Cadeaux une exposition ventes unique. A unique exhibition selling crafts gifts. Come and discover the creations realized with the passion of the 20 artisans of the Rhone department: jewels, leather goods, gourmet products, calligraphy, toys, decoration, textile … Where: Chamber music of Crafts and Crafts of the Rhone 58 Avenue Maréchal Foch 69006 Lyon 6ème; When: Dates to be confirmed, the new edition will be in the 1st half of December 2017. How Much: FREE.
360 ° SUR ART, CHRISTMAS MARKET. It’s a Croix Rousse market with more than 60 creators and craftsmen of art Lyonnais. In short, you will see how to make and/ or buy a gift from Lyon! You will find there: ceramics, textile creation, fashion, jewelry, decoration, graphic arts and visual arts to allow everyone to discover gifts trends, originals and handmade in this ideal period before Christmas. When: 15 – 16.12.2017; Where: Place Sathonay, 69001 Lyon. How Much: FREE.
Fete des Lumieres. I don’t think I need to describe it as a lot or encourage you to take part but if you are very interested or curious, here LINK is my memories from the previous years, some tips and my promise to you that this is the best event in France! When: 7 -10.12.2017; Where: whole central LYON!; How Much: FREE.
The Luna Park of Lyon. Full of rides, caterpillars, shooting ranges, but also waffles and caramel hot apples… something to delight young and old, and especially for those who love the festive atmosphere of the funfair. Where: 75/79 Quai Perrache, 69002 Lyon 2nd; When: 16/12/2017 to 04/03/2018, every day. How Much: FREE to enter.
ExoMars, Europe to the conquest of the red planet. In October 2016, the European module Schiaparelli crashed on the planet Mars following a failure of its radar system. Come follow the preparations for the European exploration of the planet Mars, the second part of the ExoMars mission. Where: Planétarium, Place de la Nation, 69120 Vaulx-en-Velin; When:14.12.2017 from 20h to 22h. How Much: FREE for visitors. Booking advised on 04 78 79 50 13.
Marche de Noel de LyonMarche de Noel. The wind of magic will blow on the City of Lyon. A small wooden village of 140 chalets illuminated and sparkling comes every year to the Place Carnot in a magical setting: artisanal creations, local products, and Christmas decorations but also Christmas treat gingerbread, hot wine, chocolate, pretzel, pancakes, waffles … Do not miss the arrival of Santa Claus! When: 1-30.12.2017; Where: Place Carnot, 69002 Lyon. How Much: FREE.
Plantes Spectaculaires. These plants are gigantic, strange, impressive. I bet you have never seen anything like this. Where: The Botanical Garden of the Parc de la Tête d’Or, 69006 Lyon. When: 13.12.2017 from 2 pm to 3:30 pm., 24.01.2018 from 2 pm to 3:30 pm. How Much: 6 €. Free for children under 12, the press. BOOKING INFO here. Booking possible until 2h before the visit.
English or Spanish Guided Tour in the Musée de Beaux-Arts. One hour guided tour of the Museum of Fine Arts in English or Spanish. Tour in English: When: 16.12 and 30.12.2017 and 13.01 and 27.01.2018 and 10.02 and 24.02.2018; Where: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, 20 place des Terreaux Palais Saint-Pierre, 69001 Lyon; How Much: Book your tickets here
Tour in Spanish: 16, 30.12.2017 and , 13, 27.01.2018 and 10, 24.02.2018
Where: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, 20 place des Terreaux Palais Saint-Pierre, 69001 Lyon; How Much: Book your tickets here
Guided visit of the Hôtel-Dieu de Lyon and its Chapel. The Chapel visit estimated at about 45 minutes for the Chapel, run by Suzanne Marchand, President of the Association of the Chapel of the Grand Hostel-Dieu. The Hôtel-Dieu of Lyon visit estimated at 3 hours is run by Didier Repellin, architect-in-chief of the Historic Monuments. Where: Place de l’Hôpital 69002 Lyon 2nd, When: 16.12.2017 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. How Much: 20 €. Reservation to be made as soon as possible by sending a check to the following address: Association of the Chapel of the Grand Hostel Dieu de Lyon 3 Quai des Célestins 69002 Lyon.
Biennale d’art Sacré Actuel. Admire the original works (paintings, sculptures, photos, installations) with a theme of ‘Deep Flipping’ organized in Lyon. The exhibitions are ‘outside the walls’ of unpublished works. It’s a great chance of exploring more of art in Lyon. More information and details here. Where: Different places; When: Dates to be confirmed. From September to December 2017. How Much: FREE.
14e Biennale d’art contemporain de Lyon Mondes Flottants. Admire modern art with the theme of ‘Floating Worlds’. Take part in one of the biggest art festivals in Lyon. Check for details here. Where: 81 Quai Charles de Gaulle, 69006 Lyon 49-50 Quai Rambaud; Lyon; When: 20.09. – 07.01.2018; How Much: 9 -16 €
CHRISTMAS!!! Where: Lyon France & Whole World; When: 24.12 – 26.12. 2017; How Much: As Much/ Little as you are prepared to send!
Did you find something interesting here? So what are you actually doing IN DECEMBER?
*** Note*** I have been using the posters and images of the events provided by the companies who organize them or share additional information about events in Lyon. Thank you!
Hello Aga,
Il manque le marché de Noël Etsy Made In France du 8 au 10 décembre. Voici le lien de l’event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1565359000203913/
Bonne journée
Thank you Marine for adding this!